Wednesday, February 9

payung emas

While I was showering, tibe2 teringat pasal conversation kat depan DTC dengan Taufiq (friend/coursemate/collegemate), time jaga checpoint Moonlight Jogathon for FIS. Ok this thing happened like forever ago, but still I wanna blog about it. I don't caree! *tak pasal2*

Ok sambung. If I'm not mistaken it started when he browsed through the playlist on my phone, so it's either me or him who started to reckon that I have a weird taste in music. Honestly, I don't think it's weird, AT ALL. It's just that I don't really like to listen to songs that people listen to, and I don't like it if they sing along the same song as I do. Simply tak suka, no other reasons. Tapi bukannya tak famous langsung. I listen to some indie songs that mr ex used to sing allll the time, and that was 5 years ago la tapinye. Hehe. Bands like Plague of Happiness, Tipe X etc. And I started to grow fond of British bands like Arctic Monkeys, The Libertines/Babyshambles, Oasis etc while I was in MRSM. And the same songs got stuck to me until now. See? Not that weird kan? So anyways, sambung balik about the payung emas.

Me : Pelik ke (referring to the songs on my playlist)? Aku tak suke dengar lagu yang orang dengar. And aku tak suke orang dengar ape yang aku dengar.
Taufiq : Mesti susah nak dapat payung emas ni. Grin.
Me : Payung emas? Apetu?
Taufiq : Mesti kau taknak kongsi laki ngan orang lain. Kalau kau bermadu, kat syurga nanti dapat payung emas tau.
Me : Mestilah taknak bermadu weh! Sape yang nak??
Taufiq : Ko jangan tanya aku weh. Aku takkan fahamm. Double Grin.
Me : Ala taknak ah. Payung je kot.
Taufiq : Wehh payung kat syurga kot. Kau ingat same ngan payung kat dunia?
Me : ROFL. Ok tak la sampai on the floor. But still, it was super funny when he said that. LOL.

Again, it was not that brief, and if you don't know him Taufiq doesn't usually sound like that sebenarnye. Susah nak construct ayat yang dah ingat2 lupa. but anyways that's the idea.

Payung emas. HA HA. LOL. Taknak kongsi cop! Double LOL :) 

Emm ok enough about payung emas kot. Talking about weird, nak tulis jugak about my conversation with Syed (coursemate jugak), ade sikit time DD & ade sikit dalam FB (I can't remember which is which). I told him that James McAvoy is HOT, and he was like "HAH? TAK HOT LANGSUNG!". And I also told him that I adore Alan Rickman (aka Severus Snape), and he was like "KAU DAH KENAPEE". And he said I have a weird taste also.


Siapa kata weird? Siapa kata diorang tak hot? James McAvoy, Liam Gallagher, Oliver Jackson-Cohen, Peter Doherty, Alan Rickman, Alex Turner, John Mayer, Mohd Aliff Farhan Mohd Marzuki

Ini bukti. LOL.

Ok Syed kata. And I bet most of the guys I know would agree.

Zzzz again.

Dah tu siapa yang hot?? Ok jangan jawab. That's a rhetoric question. You pun tau kan I have a weird taste. so I wouldn't agree with your opinion.

Tak caya? Try me. Teehee.