Friday, December 2

random awesome.

hello :).

i just got back from meeting my pasum buddy, aflah. had some chit chat, anddd she said that my english has improved weehoo!

haha okay, no big deal la but after that 7 months gap of not talking to mr f, he also said the exact same thing to me back then. takde la nak become sappy or what now, it's just that i remembered answering the same thing to him (i.e. i befriend with more non-malays now)  and the way he laughed and told me that i din't need to explain everything. it's kinda true, somehow. with him, i tend to blurt out and explain every single thing i had in my mind, eventhough it is obvious that he was just expecting a one-word answer. pshhh.

okay okay loser gila post kali ini. maaf. but hey, at least i posted somethin. hihi. oh and it's back to december already. happy december people :)

bcoz this pic reminds me of awesomeness :)