New hair. After this whole
ex-saya-nak-kahwin-lain thingie, in any way possible somehow I just needed to feel different. I needed a distraction. I don't wanna be, or even look like myself for a while. So pi salon buang masa & buang duit la. Times Square. RM200. Mahal coz it's TS la people! Sewa tapak 7K. Normal lah tu. It felt damn good so it's worth it la.
So anyways I had mocha white coffee at Old Town Jaya One just now. Am feeling giddy, as usual. Tapi coffee itu sangat sedapp. So delicious I had to blog about it. Pastu takley tido sebab caffeine took over my system dah. Ish.
Haha. Entah pape.
Ok buhbyee.